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The steppe has a more drier climate with shorter grasses.

The main ones are different grasses. The grasses are separated into 3 different groups, depending on how much rain they get. The tall grasses grow up to 4 1/2 feet because they live closer to the forest. The short grasses can be less than 1 1/2 feet. They are closer to the dessert. 1 1/2 feet is a small amount, considering that people don't cut the grasses. The last group is the mixed grasses. They grow 2-3 feet high and get 15-20 inches of rain per year.

A lot of the animals that live in Steppe are grazing animals, such as rabbits, mice, antelopes, horses, etc. Smaller animals have little defense from predators. Since it is such an open environment and predators can find animals fast, they either form herds or make burrows. There are many endangered animals on the Steppe. More and more people are trying to protect them.

Average temp. in summer is 104

Winter -40

Rainfall 10-30 in 

General Geography 

.Abiotic Factors- sun, lots of lakes and untouched land

.Biotic Factors- many animals like buffalo, white tailed deer and many more

.Fun/Cool Facts

feed millions of bison until the 1800s, when their numbers were decimated by hunters. Today, plains animals include wolves, prairie dogs, jack rabbits, coyote, badgers, and foxes. Birds such as meadowlarks, quail, hawks and owls also appear on the plains.


Humidity: 75 

Precipitation:18.28 inch 

Temperature: (Avg.) 80


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